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  4. What should I do if I don't receive the password activation or reset email?

    What should I do if I don't receive the password activation or reset email?

    - No activation email received when registering for the Digiposte service:

    After registering for the service, you will receive an email containing a Confirm my email address link, which you will need to click.

    If you haven’t received this email, please check your junk, spam, advertising or other mail folders.

    If you still can't find it, you can try to log in to Digiposte again (https://secure.digiposte.fr/identification-plus); we will send you an email each time you try to log in.

    If you haven’t received the email within 24 hours, and after trying again, please contact Digiposte Customer Service, via the contact form, providing us with your personal details: Last name, First name and Digiposte login email.


    - No password reset email received:

    If you’ve forgotten your Digiposte password, you will be sent an email allowing you to change it.

    If you haven’t received this email, please check your junk, spam, advertising or other mail folders.

    If you still haven’t received it, check that you have entered the email address you used to log in to Digiposte.

    You can also request a password reset via the La Poste Account https://www.laposte.fr/mot-de-passe-oublie-email.

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