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  4. I haven’t received or am no longer receiving pay slips from my employer

    I haven’t received or am no longer receiving pay slips from my employer

    You have signed up to paperless pay slips, but they haven’t been or are no longer being deposited in your Digiposte safe:

    Scenario 1: You haven’t yet received any payslips in Digiposte

    Make sure that you have applied for paperless pay slips according to the procedure communicated to you by your company.

    Click on the Organisations tab in your Digiposte safe; your employer subscription should appear in the Work category.

    - If you don't see the subscription to your employer, make sure you haven't opened more than one Digiposte safe and then repeat the subscription process suggested by your employer.

    - If you receive confirmation by e-mail that your pay slip has been sent to your Digiposte safe, but it is not there, you may have more than one Digiposte safes. Make sure that you are signing in to the safe in which you confirmed the subscription. 

    - If you are having any difficulties, or if your subscription is still "pending validation" 1 month after applying, please contact Digiposte Customer Service


    Scenario 2: You have already received payslips from your employer in your Digiposte account, but you have since stopped receiving them for no apparent reason:

    Click on the Organisations tab in your Digiposte safe; your employer subscription should appear in the Work category.

    - If you can’t see the subscription to your employer, make sure you haven't opened more than one Digiposte safe.

    - If you’re having any difficulties, contact Digiposte Customer Service so that they can look into the problem.

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